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5 Common Places You Need to Check for Plumbing Leaks

No one likes dealing with water leaks, but unfortunately, they never seem to go away on their own. Especially in older homes or neighborhoods with suboptimal water conditions, pipes corrode, hoses leak, and things just wear out. Catch those leaks before they get out of control. Ignoring a slow leak can ultimately cost you thousands […]

6 Reasons to Invest in a Tankless Water Heater

If you’re due for a new water heater anytime soon, you may already be looking for the ideal fit. Tankless water heaters are the latest craze for many homeowners. However, should you invest your hard-earned money in one? Here are six reasons why going tankless can be a wise choice. 1. Tankless Water Heaters Last […]

Don’t Ring in the New Year With an Old Toilet!

We tend to take our toilets for granted, particularly during the excitement of an upcoming celebration such as New Year’s! However, that’s usually the time they decide to break down. Being proactive can save you time, embarrassment, and inconvenience when you replace your old toilet ahead of time. 9 Signs You May Need a New […]

3 Pricey Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

It is relatively impossible to ignore some plumbing issues like a leak that is flooding your floor or a faucet that no longer functions. But, unfortunately, some plumbing issues can be easy to overlook, like a slow to clear drain. Sadly, most Curry Plumbing homeowners can turn a blind eye and hope that the issue […]

What To Do When Your Water Heater Is Leaking

Chances are, you will only discover that your water heater is leaking by stumbling over a puddle of water on the floor. And hopefully, you spot the mess before actually stepping in it and stumbling. But sometimes, that is what it takes to decide to learn a valuable lesson and begin monthly water heater inspections. […]

The Warning Signs Of A Slab Leak

Most homeowners have no idea what a slab leak is or why it is essential to know about this potentially costly water leak. But for anyone who lives in a house built on a concrete slab rather than a basement, it is an essential bit of information that could save you a massive amount of […]

Some Great Plumbing Tips From A Licensed Plumber

Water conservation is vital for everyone on the planet as we must all share this limited natural resource. And who better to offer a few water-saving tips and ideas than a licensed plumber? Not only will these bits of advice save water, but they will also help you to keep your household budget in line.